Thursday, July 4, 2024
HomeEntertainmentUniversity of Maiduguri Asks Students to Write New National Anthem in Exam

University of Maiduguri Asks Students to Write New National Anthem in Exam

University of Maiduguri Asks Students to Write New National Anthem in Exam

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The University of Maiduguri recently administered an exam that included an unconventional question: “As a patriotic Nigerian, write the new national anthem in full.” The question, appearing as the second item on the exam sheet, has sparked discussions among students and social media users.
The decision to ask students to compose a new national anthem has raised eyebrows. While some view it as an opportunity to foster patriotism and creativity, others question its practicality and relevance.
The introduction of this exam question has sparked a broader debate. Critics argue that addressing urgent issues like inflation, insecurity, and economic challenges should take precedence over anthem changes.
However, proponents emphasize the cultural significance of a new anthem in promoting patriotism and unity.

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