Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeHeadlinesDaughter demands 100M compensation from police for killing her father.

Daughter demands 100M compensation from police for killing her father.

The daughterIGP Mohammed Adamu npf

of a 50-year-old man, China­ka Ahamefula, alleged­ly shot and killed by the police in Aba, Miss Obianuju Chinaka, has urged the Abia State Ju­dicial Panel of Inquiry on Police Brutalities, ex­trajudicial killings and related matters to pay N100 million compensa­tion to the family of her late father.

Chinaka, who made the plea while testifying before the panel sitting in Umuahia, alleged that some police officers shot and killed her 50-year-old trader father, in cold blood on October 21, 2020 at Aba and till date refused to release his body.

She said that her late father had on that fate­ful day travelled to Aba to visit his friend Ikoro Agama, who organised a wake-keep for his late mother.

She said that the said Ikoro Agama, with one Ikoro Iheanyi and his late father, on that fate­ful day went to the mar­ket to buy foodstuff and thereafter went to drink in a joint.

She further stated that after a while, when his father’s two companions left him at the joint and went home to prepare meal, there were gun shots around the vicinity of Cameroon and School roads in Aba.

According to the de­ceased’s daughter, as her father was walking back to his friend’s house, “he was shot by one of the police­men from the Cameroon road police station and he died instantly.”

Continuing, she told the panel, “the policemen thereafter the shooting, came with their Hilux Jeep, took his corpse and deposited it at St. Antho­ny’s Hospital Mortuary Aba.”

In his preliminary rul­ing, Chairman of the pan­el and retired Chief Judge of the state, Justice Sun­day Imo, ordered the po­lice to immediately release body of Ahamefula to his family for burial and also offset his mortuary bill.


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