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Media Trial Comments: Your Conduct was Unbecoming of a Lawyer; “You goofed” – Lekan Olanisebe tells Maxwell Okpara


Media Trial Comments: Your Conduct was Unbecoming of a Lawyer; “You goofed” – Lekan Olanisebe tells Maxwell Okpara


Barrister Lekan Olanisebe, has came out to learnt his voice over the embarrassing and a conduct Unbecoming of a lawyer exhibited by Maxwell Okpara during the ongoing trial of the accused persons in court.

He however described his actions as a contempt of court which court usually frowned at.

“He contravened the rules of Professional Ethics as Legal Practitioners in Nigeria.
Once a case is under the jurisdiction of a Court, it’s a common principle of judicial practice that none, not even the parties involved, nor any lawyer engaged for that matter must go to media to begin another trial or hearing.”

“It’s Contempt of the Court. The Court usually frowns at such conduct.
A case is subjudiced when anyone goes outside the court to make any form of comment, conference or conclusion concerning such a case.”

“Maxwell Okpara stands to be seriously reprimanded with the appropriate sanctions by the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Committee.”

“In addition to the police investigation ongoing against Maxwell Okpara, I humbly advise once again that our AAS Legal Team submit a Petition to the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Committee ( LPDC ) against Barr. Maxwell Okpara for his breach of the rules of Professional Ethics which forbids Lawyer from discussing or granting interviews concerning matters or proceedings ongoing in the Courts.”

I felt ashamed of Maxwell Okpara’s conduct as a Lawyer too when I saw him delve into the live issues already before the Court in his Press interviews.

“This is too bad for a Lawyer’s conduct!
Our AAS Legal Team appears more professional and must be guided always too, because the Newshounds would always come to them to scoop or scout for headlines.”

“When approached by the media, all a Lawyer could say is “The Court has spoken, the next date of adjournment is “xyz “It is subjudice to say anything further on this case. Thank you gentlemen of the Press for your interest.”

“Pronto! You discharge the Press and go your way. This is a best practice we all learn as Lawyers. Anyone as a Lawyer, including Maxwell Okpara who contravenes the rules must face the consequences of their actions.”

Newsmediang reports that Jesam Michael who was the complainant at the Federal High Court, Abuja, on Monday petitioned the Inspector General of Police (IGP), accusing Humble Prince Eta, Donald Michael, Fifeyin Awajumo and Michael Okoh of cyberbullying and cyber stalking.

He alleged that the four individuals circulated some messages against him on Facebook and WhatsApp in April where the accused who were never investors of the company threatened him, his family, workers and put up several incriminating lies against his person.

They were picked up by the police where some shocking discovery was unearthed. Sadly, Maxwell Opara, despite knowing the truth, decided to advocate for them based on monetary gains.

Justice Joyce Abdumalik who was saddled with the responsibility of hearing the case filed by the IGP on behalf of Jesam Michael against the accused ordered the remand of the accused in the Kuje Correctional Centre until May 13, when the case is slated to come up for hearing again.

Interestingly, Jesam was billed to address the media about the ugly trend when Maxwell Opara hijacked the media platform to push a totally wrong narrative and fabrication which prompted Jesam Michael to interrupt him innocently.

Like someone who has an evil plot, like a scripted actor, Maxwell was shouting to an unseen cameraman saying cover him, cover him.

What many people don’t understand is that Maxwell Opara and the accused were allegedly working together for an alleged confessed fraudster, Abayomi Oluwasesan who admitted to stealing $87m of investors money run by Jesam. These are investors from over 540 countries, states and provinces of the world.

Being a man who believes in the security agencies and the rule of law in this country, Jesam toed the line of justice and this move angered Abayomi and his cohorts who have resorted to blackmail and fabrications on social media to sway the gullible followers to their journey of perdition.

That’s why Jesam Michael opened up that the accused persons have been threatening his life and promising to bring him down.

“We are against anyone going to social media, taking up pictures and videos to air out fake stories that Abayomi did not steal money.

“We keep saying if you think Abayomi didn’t steal the money, why not go to the police station and ask the police officers who investigated the case or go to the court where the case is,” said Michael.

It will be recalled that Maxwell Opara, who was responsible for defending accused persons in a cyberbullying case, involving Michael Okoh, Humble Etenge, and others, deviated into another legal matter involving Abayomi Oluwasesan and Afriq Arbitrage System in his comments.

Abayomi’s involvement in a $87 million theft and subsequent confession added a layer of complexity to the situation. Despite not directly representing Abayomi in legal proceedings, Opara was seen commenting on the case between Abayomi and Afriq Arbitrage System.



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